Once upon a time, many years ago, my parents forked out an absolute shitload of their hard-earned money, for their bratty teenage daughter to get braces. At 14, having straight teeth is vastly unimportant compared to say, sneaking off into the bushes to pash your older boyfriend, but it’s something my parents knew I would appreciate when I got older. And I did.
EXCEPT. Being the bratty teenager I was, once the braces were removed, I kinda stopped wearing my retainer because it was gross and I didn’t like it and I was a shit. So although my teeth were straight, as I reached my uni days and had my wisdom teeth removed, they continued to move and gradually got wonkier.
For the record I don’t think I should be SOLEY held responsible, getting 4 teeth removed was always going to make the remaining teeth move around right? ……RIGHT!?
Anywho, I developed a good ‘side’, on which my teeth were straighter and if I couldn’t be on my good side, I would perpetually do that weird closed mouth smiley thing so many of us gals do. Seriously look at these pics for proof of my ‘side’.

Many of us gals do this ‘my side’ thing because we don’t like our smile front on, which you can say is ridiculous and vain and blah blah, but a smile is pretty important and straight teeth really do give one that wow factor we all want.
Anyway, I recently got engaged and had ALWAYS said that if I got married I wanted straight teeth for my wedding cos’ I want to flippin’ BEAM with cheesy smiles and not worry about my weird side. But there were 2 things that always held me back from fixing my teeth:
- a) the cost of clear aligners (I didn’t want to go for traditional braces) is crazy high. Gals I know who have had them paid anywhere between 6-8k ??
- b) I am a busy bitch and really don’t have time for fortnightly orthodontist appointments ?
Enter Ez Smile
What is EZ SMILE?
An oral cosmetic company that allows you to straighten your teeth with clear aligners in the comfort of your own home; no dentist visits required (yes, you read that right).
How TF does it work?
It’s so bloody simple, I thought it would be way more complicated TBH…
- Firstly, you answer a few questions and figure out if you’re a good candidate.
- Order an impression kit so you can do moulds of your teeth at home and send them off. They’re so easy to do, things just get very ‘spitty’ with saliva lel.
- Professionals in the EZ SMILE lab will create a 3D teeth straightening plan so you can see exactly how your teeth will move which is super cool, and also how many sets of the aligners are needed to straighten your teeth. So, for example, I need 8 sets for my top teeth and 9 for the bottom (cheeky things are wonkier).
- If you decide to go ahead, your aligners will arrive in the mail with numbers on them and you just move up a set every 2-3 weeks.
How long do I have to wear them?
20 hours a day, so pretty much all the time except when you’re eating. I’ll be honest, I often can’t wear them for that long per day because they slightly impede my speech so when I’m doing videos, podcasting or at events I can’t wear them; however most people find their ‘aligner lisp’ goes away after a few days. Because I can’t wear them for as long as required most days, I’ve been changing sets closer to every 3 weeks rather than 2 as I want to get the most out of it! So using common sense should help you navigate anything like that!

What are the pros?
- They’re a dickload cheaper than alternative teeth straightening methods ($2,149).
- The whole process is super simple and everything is easy to follow. I’m lazy AF so as soon as something is too complicated I put it in the ‘too-hard’ basket; so I’ve loved the easiness.
- IT’S WORKING! I’ll post some pics at the end of the treatment plan but can already see differences.
What are the cons?
- They HURT. You forget how much teeth straightening hurts! I was in so much pain for the first few days but it gets better, so power on through. Every time I move up an aligner set, it hurts, but not to the same extent as those first few days at the start of the whole process.
- They’re dorky AF. No, they’re not obvious but if someone is talking close to you they can see them. But you know what isn’t dorky? STRAIGHT TEETH Y’ALL!
- The ‘aligner lisp’. It gets worse when I change sets but I can always hear it on camera which is why I can’t wear them all the time. Some people don’t get a lisp though, or it disappears. It’s also not super bad, it’s only because of my work that it’s even something I notice TBH.
Wanna give it a go? Check out all the info online and use the discount link to get 50% off ?
DISCLAIMER: This post was not sponsored. Kelly received a discount on her treatment in return for her honest review.