A perfect smile is something a lot of people strive for, aligned teeth could help to reach that goal. People striving to have aligned teeth have to go through numerous dentist visits and may even need multiple procedures (tooth removal) to have aligned teeth, lets not forget about the huge expense. So lets talk about EZ SMILE.
How it’s different?
You have so many options to treat your teeth from the braces to other multiple treatments. All these solutions require some frequent visits to the dentists and appointments as well. Eventually, you end up having larger costs and financial burden as well. Most of the people could not think about the teeth alignment due to the expenses. EZ SMILE offers you a simple and cost-efficient way of having perfectly aligned teeth. It is a kind of independent teeth alignment setup that you can use without having multiple dentist appointments and works efficiently.
Does it cost much?
In comparison to the conventional and other dental methods of having teeth alignment, the EZ SMILE costs are very low. Collectively you will end up paying $2499 for having a perfect smile. It is much less and up to 70% cheaper than the traditional aligners. You are not able to find any other perfect solution to the aligners than EZ SMILE with this reduced cost.
Can you order it?
To evaluate whether EZ SMILE is for you or not all, you need to go through a simple questionnaire. With a set patterned questioner it will be analyzed whether EZ SMILE can work for you or not. Once you get the confirmation, you will be redirected to place an order for the impression kit.
How does it work for you?
After getting done with the initial quiz, you will order the impression kit. Once you have the kit, you need to place the impression of your teeth using the kit at home and send it to the EZ SMILE team in our lab .Using your impression, EZ SMILE lab will create a 3D teeth straightening plan for you. With the plan, you will get a demonstration video and initial aligners. It will also explain the number of aligners you may need in the procedure.
EZ SMILE comes with a larger success rate and gives ultimate results. It is a complete alignment treatment for the people who want to spend less and get better results. It is safe and less hectic as you do not have to take frequent appointments. Moreover, the aligners are fully transparent and comfortable to put on.
My experience with Ez smile
To start off my teeth weren’t bad, but I did have a few teeth that bothered me as they weren’t as straight like the rest, they were turned in and outwards, so when the opportunity arose to try EZ SMILE I couldn’t have been happier. I watched Instagrammer/ YouTuber Jade Madden’s review and it looked like such a simple process and her results are amazing.
As mentioned above, you firstly need to fill out the questionnaire to see if you are eligible for an EZ SMILE transformation, I was successful, so from there you get sent your impression kit. The impression can be made in the comfort of your own home, all you need is a mirror. There are also videos online to help you make your impression if your not feeling confident, but it was very easy, once this is complete you can send you impression away for EZ SMILE to start making you aligners. One of the most exciting parts is when you receive your 3D teeth straightening plan, a video that shows your teeth from the beginning and then at the end of your transformation. I was so exciting when I watched the video I just couldn’t wait to begin my transformation. I didn’t experience any discomfort wearing my aligners at all, though when changing to the new set they sometimes feel tight but nothing that would be of any concern. I haven’t finished my transformation yet, my top teeth required 14 aligners and my bottom teeth required 8 aligners so at the moment I’m on my 6th set, so stay tuned on my blog and instagram to see my final results.

- This customer received a discount on her treatment to document her journey.